Friday, February 12, 2010

MY Maharashtra!

At VT station, I passed by this woman, sitting right in the middle and cutting onions! The whole set-up was very intriguing. After almost reaching the station’s exit, I decided to turn back to take a picture. So there I was, armed with my crooked Marathi, asking her if I can take her picture.

Convo in Marathi
Me: Aunty, can I take a picture?
Aunty: NO
Me: Huh? Why?
Aunty: No No No No
Me: But why?
Aunty: They cause trouble.
Me: Who? The police?
Aunty: No. Not the police. The outsiders. The goras come, take our daily life pictures, and go publish it abroad. Our normal everyday life is shown as poverty, and it brings shame to our Maharashtra!
Me: *shocked*
Aunty: No re baba.
Me: But aunty, look at me. I am no gora. I belong to Maharashtra. I stay here. Look at me. Am I gora?
Aunty: *thinking* What will you do with the picture?
Me: Show it to my friends.
Aunty: Ok. Take.

The woman’s sense of self-respect was hell admirable. And I was so freaking impressed! For the picture, she took her saree ka pallu and carefully placed it on her head, as if almost saying, ‘See. That’s how you pose for a picture’.

So impressed!


sonali shah said...

pretty neat, huh

Alpesh said...

interesting conversation....

Hotwani said...

Thanks Son. Thanks Alp

Janice D'souza said...


Hotwani said...

@Janice: Very.