Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 23: What's the point?

Taipei station is huge. Agreed. But why on earth do you need MEETING POINTS!? I know it's easier to well 'meet' someone and stuff, but sorry. I still prefer my meeting points of Bombay. Aren't they so much cooler? Like, you can meet Indicator ke neeche, ticket window ke peeche, below the badawala bridge, at the aage wala first class compartment, inside the subway, on the bridge, near the popcorn wala, outside Satkar, etc etc. I LIKE!


VegTraveler said...

thats the mumbaikar in you dude, we find the order in the chaos, it aint easy for the others

the best flat mate said...

Taipei train station is so complicated. if you ask someone to meet you at the ticket window, there're so many ticket windows!

I'v been lost in Taipei train station for almost one hour

That's why we need the meeting point!


Sophia said...

There dosen't have that before.
I just noticed that "meeting point" when I went to Taipei last December.
I asked my friend why they add this.
She said there r so many people complaint that it's hard to find each other especially people not come from Taipei.
But for me, I may still get lost during the time I try to find the "meeting point" XD

sonali said...

nah... platform no. 5 ke ghadi ke neecha milna best hota hai!

Hotwani said...

@Mum2Atlanta: I actually agree to that. The Singapore and Taipei stations actually look like a piece of cake!! In singapore, I swear at one point, I actually thought, "Are ppl here so dumb?" :P

@SaTing: You stay in Taichung and stick to your old scooter. BEST!

@Sophia: Aren't you just too cute? :)

@Son: Oh yea! I almost forgot. sorry. :P

VegTraveler said...

LOL remind me how many ticket windows we have in Dadar station? and bridges and exits and non-exits used as exits and most of all ...the number of people at the station...