This was long overdue. 2009 undoubtedly had the most memorable ending, probably also the most unexpected one. Entered the finals of a photography competition and that, earned me an all-paid trip to Singapore for the final face-off. Needless to say, it was a BIG deal, bigger than bagging a junket probably because it was something I ‘won’. The final results will be announced tomorrow. And no matter what the results (honestly trying not to expect much); I owe a BIG Thank-You to a LOT of people. And that’s what this post is about… saying Thank you…
… to my college friends who were my ever-ready models, always accommodating enough to pose for a picture. In retrospect, trying 24*7 to capture ‘their’ emotions and expressions was probably my biggest learning ground.
… to those who were gracious enough to lend me their camera (considering I never owned one and even the small point-and-shoot camera was a BIG deal during college days).
… to those who were always ALWAYS open to seeing what I had shot and gave feedback as well. Why is it a big deal? Cause trust me, when you have someone taking a hajaar pictures everyday and insisting you to see them, it can be quite a pain.
… to every Mirror photographer. Have learned a lot by just looking at their pictures, especially Rana’s.
… to my Boss who was indeed very accommodating by letting me go on a leave merely a couple of weeks after I was back from an earlier vacation. She could have easily thrown a fit, but didn’t.
… to so many people who volunteered to chip in whatever I didn’t have for the trip. From laptop, tripod, pen drive to extra memory cards. There were many others who offered other things as well. I didn’t need them, but the fact that they asked is what matters.
… to others who chipped in with their fashion ideas on what I should be wearing for the ‘Awards Night’. :)
This and so much more…
Reason why I have tried to avoid names here is because I am afraid that I will miss out on someone. And I don’t want to do that. Also because, if you are one among the many people mentioned above, you KNOW it.
So once again… Thank you guys! It means a lot!
SO, what are your thoughts on world peace?
Foreign Hand! Foreign Hand!
CONGRAAAAAATS Vickyyyy!!!!! your blog..gonna start following you now!
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