Last weekend, I had my last class. One entire year of teaching a bunch of hyperactive children came to an end. I won’t be teaching them next year. They will move on as well, have new teachers (probably better ones), and memories of ultra-strict 'Vikas Sir' will slowly fade away. It was tough, on the last day, hiding that lump in my throat while putting up the no-nonsense teacher avatar.
All my children are supremely talented (and I am not saying this just cause I love them to bits). They remind me of everything that matters, everything that I once knew but had forgotten in the boring process of growing up.
So ladies and gentlemen, preeeeeeesenting some of Vikas Sir's star performers for the year 2010 - 11.

NEVER ever underestimate the power of smile! Forgot your homework? Not interested in class? Screwed up? Just SMILE! And say something cute like… "My name is Muskaan.." And all shall be forgiven!

Stop taking your mistakes so seriously. If you give a wrong answer, throw in a drama of disappointment, and then end it there. And then make sure you are game to attempt the next question. It's more fun that way. Nobody cares about your sullen face.
Super cute post!
Thanks Manali!
So touching :)
:) Thanks. You will have much more to say next year... about your kids
Need i say, i love this post?
Need i say, i love this post?
Say naa, sayy naaaa :P
Tushar's da best dude.
:) all of them are
are you a teach for india fellow?
@Simply Surbhi: Nope. It was for a youth volunteer organisation called Make A Difference. More info on it here: www.makeadiff.in
seriously very nice and intersting post ! . . hats of to you vikas isr :D
Tks a lot ayishah. I indeed had a great time with them :)
i don;t know who u r, but just liked your authentic thoughts.
i simply loved watever u hv written,thru these not too high profile kids,and i appreciate your motive to teach them theu volunteering..wel no matter wat ur profession is...
one really needs to lead a promising and sincere life..
tke cre..............
awesome, I love the photos of the students
@veracious vibes: Thank you for your kind words :) And as evident, the kids have taught me far more than I have taught them
@Mari: Thank you. BTW, went through your work. Some amazing stuff there :)
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