Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 8: Do you eat with your hands?

Instance 1: When talking to SaTing

SaTing: You know, our professor told us that the Indian practice of eating with hands is actually good.
Me: Uh huh?
SaTing: Yea. That way, you can be sure that the food you eat is not too hot.
Me: Hmm. True.
SaTing: So it's in fact good that Indians eat with their hands.
Me: Hmm. But we don't ALWAYS eat with out hands.
SaTing: WHAT? You'll don't??
Me: Actually, it depends.

Instance 2: When talking to a random stranger in the bus.
Stranger: Are you a teacher here?
Me: No. I am just a tourist.
Stranger: Are you Indian?
Me: Yup.
Stranger: *without a thought* So Indians really eat with their hands!??
Me: Huh? No.
Stranger: *with the most disappointed look ever* WHAT!? THEY DON'T?
Me: No. No. We do.
Stranger: *relieved*
Me: Actually, it depends!!!

And it's not just these two. Almost every other Taiwanese lives with a fairytale concept of Indians eating EXCLUSIVELY with their hands. Sigh. As if the snake charmer tag wasn't enough.


mumbai2atlanta said...

I thought everyone ate with their hands...THEY use their feet?? ...sorry just trying to be stupid :)

Taiwanese Roomate said...

SaTing never sees you eat with your hands lah~~~

Hotwani said...

Today, when you weren't there, I had corn with my hands. But no, you weren't there. Leave me alone, and it's all your loss!

MissGnomer said...

Hhahahahahahaah Vicky. Priceless. I love your blog, it really cheers me up!! :D