Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tram power (Memoirs From Bengal 7)

If you are new to Kolkata, trams are perfect. Just perfect. Firstly, they are slow and hence, allow you to SEE the city. Like really, what is the fun if you are in a cab and the new buildings and shops just zoom by? Also, if you don’t like where you are going and want to go some place else, you can just get off!

Then, they are sort of rickety and hence, give you the old-world feel.

And MOST important factor: They are so freaking cheap! Your tram ride might just cover half the city, but won’t cost you more than 5 rupees! It does something to the Sindhi in me. Something nice, I say.

A suggestion: Sit on the last corner seat for the best view. You will not only have the window to look outside but also a front view of who’s getting in and getting out. Perfect!


Manali said...

Your posts make me want to visit Kolkata even more! :)

Hotwani said...

You should. I think you will like it! :)

Anonymous said...

muito interessante,
belo post.

Author said...

Ohh this is a nice blog! I'm adopted from india and will soon bring my wife to India (First time for her)

Hotwani said...

@Parades: Thank you! Appreciate

@Nina and David: Thanks a lot! And I am sure she will love it. All the best. :)

Indranee Batabyal said...

You have a nice blog and I agree with you about the tram rides, since I live in Kolkata:) But sadly, these days, they are numbered and might go off the tracks soon due to lack of proper infrastructure. This is a matter of concern for many Kolkatans now.

Hotwani said...

@Indranee: It will be a pity if they are taken off roads permanently. Will really miss them. I hope the government can work something out.