Saturday, October 23, 2010

Su che?

In pic: Journalist B

One evening in office…

Journalist A: Here. Call this PR. You can co-ordinate with her.
Journalist B: Okay. What’s her name?
A: (joking) SHU CHI!! (The name was Suchi)
B: What?
A: Shu Chi, Shu Chi
B: Chu???
A: Shu Chi, Shu Chi. It’s Chinese!
B: Really?
A: Then what!
B: Ok ok.

(After 30 seconds, B is on the phone)

B: Hi. Is that CHU CHIN?
Suchi: Errrrrr. SUCHI!!



Manali said...

HAHAHHHAHAHHA! This actually happened! LOL! =)

Hotwani said...

@Manali: Then what! :P