Anyway, the car (stuck) next to the bus had these two kids. And they were SO FREAKING EXCITED!! They were the most cheerful kids I have EVER seen in a traffic jam! And for some reason, they kept waving out to ME! And I am certain I wasn’t looking funny.
I couldn’t stop grinning at them cause they didn’t stop grinning at me!! At one point, I wanted to get off the bus, knock on the window, and ask, "What's the joke? Tell. Tell. Tell naaaaaa."
I will never understand kids. NEVER. And it’s not like I don’t try.
I liked this post :)
And kids do this quite a lot haan..like in Kamala Mills, these girls used to come waving, and once, one 4-something-year-old actually posed -- rested her index finger on her cheek!Like Mamta was being asked to do at her wedding, remember? and then the girls would just run away!
Hehe. You have always been quite the magnet for kids. Remember how those kids at Akansha remembered you even after almost a year!?
:) :) :) :) :) :) *rests index finger on right cheek* :P
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