Saturday, March 13, 2010

Make up your mind, SAARRR!!!

I have a problem. It’s a very serious one. For heaven’s sake, there are kids involved out here!

Say you are teaching ‘how to read time’ to a few eight year olds. So, you tell them…

Small hand shows the hour, big hand shows the minute.
They nod. You repeat.
Small hand shows the hour, big hand shows the minute.
They nod. You repeat.
Small hand shows the hour, big hand shows the minute.
They nod. You repeat.
Small hand shows the hour, big hand shows the minute.
They nod. You repeat.
Small hand shows the hour, big hand shows the minute.
They nod. You repeat.

Finally, you are sure that you have the concept drilled right into the very core of their brains! Then, you give them different times and ask them to mark it on the clock. And guess what. They get it right!! :)

You pat your back (and oh yes, theirs too)

Then, the kid comes across a clock that shows this:

Kid: 7.50!
You: No. 6.50!
Kid: *gives you a confused look*
You: *return the confused look*
Kid: *gets into déjà vu mode*

Small hand shows the hour, big hand shows the minute. YOU SAID SO.
Small hand shows the hour, big hand shows the minute. YOU SAID SO.
Small hand shows the hour, big hand shows the minute. YOU SAID SO.
Small hand shows the hour, big hand shows the minute. YOU SAID SO.

So by THAT logic, 7:50 means small hand on 7, big hand on 10!!

You: *sulk*

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